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For about 30 years, I have been articulating on the theme of Earth through various models and sculptures of wind and light, water, and life.  Therefore, this current theme of “Water and Ground” in an extension of my work until now and are the works that I thought about the water, which is the most important for all living things. These works were inspired by the unfathomed energy I felt from the sound of water flowing underground in a stalactite cave (Kawachi Wind Cave, Taga). It, the life force of the earth, was like the circulation of blood pumped from the heart. While I thought I would want to do something with this formative experience, I was focused on the castle’s stone wall foundation (Ano-Shu Zumi). As the stone wall shows the majestic will of ground, I used glass to represent the eternally flowing underground water.


Kekkai, or boundary stones, I imagine, is not a boundary line which distinguishes between the secular (human) world and the sacred (natural) world, but space or borders where people with pure knowledge and spirit coexist with nature. The industries develop fast-moving, and the information technology society accelerates. Even if humans get so advanced, it must not be forgotten that you shouldn't destroy nature and that you should show your respect for it. Through my own works I have tried to express something which exists in the natural world.

私が想像する「結界」とは、 俗世界(人間社会)と神聖な世界(自然界)との区切りごとではなく、 人々が清らかな知識と精神で自然と共存共栄するための「空間」あるいは「境界」と考える。 めまぐるしく発展する産業、加速するIT社会。 しかし、どれほど人類が進歩しても自然を破壊してはいけないという人間に対する戒めと 自然界に対する敬意を忘れてはいけない。 私は自然界に存在する何ものかを作品で表現しようと試みた。

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